Yesterday afternoon a Typhoon Warning 1 was in place, by the evening, it had shifted to a level 3 warning, and the winds were incredibly strong. This morning it is a level 8 warning: Southeast Gale or Storm Signal is in force!
Tropical Cyclone Nesat has hammered the Philippines and is offshore of Hong Kong at present, meaning that there are strong winds and rain outside. This may result in our spending the day indoors.
Now I'm off to organise some details of our next leg of the journey. Fingers crossed that the typhoon moves away quickly so that we can see some more of this crazy city before we leave tomorrow morning...
Update: We have been outside for a gander and almost all the shops are closed. I understand that when a level 8 warning is in place that it is compulsory for all government places and public transport to close. It is strangely eerie to see the streets bare of almost all cars, except Taxis and a few private cars. The taxis in particular are making the most of the situation by driving at breakneck speeds along the empty roads!
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